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Marilyn McKenzie Counselling





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:7 Caspian Crescent, Scartho Top, Grimsby, DN333RZ

Marilyn McKenzie Counselling(圖1)-速報App

qualified practising counsellor and psychotherapist and I specialise in the following areas:

Couples experiencing difficulty

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Singles who are struggling to find love or have unfulfilling sex lives


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Workplace Stress

Face 2 Face and Skype available

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I am committed to providing counselling and psychotherapy in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment.

I am based in Angel, Crouch End, Bank & South East London.

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The kind of counselling and psychotherapy I offer helps people come to terms with or improve areas in their life that they find difficult. It is not directive, instead it supports and empowers you to make the best decisions for you, and where I work with couples, your partner too.

That is the benefit of therapy, it is an impartial, non-judgemental discussion where you can truly be yourself with and work through what's troubling you.

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